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Spelling practice can be so boring for students. So when I started teaching 2nd grade I wanted some kind of free spelling game that would engage them so they actually enjoyed practicing their weekly spelling words.

As I was brainstorming simple games that could work for spelling, it got me thinking about a game that my family would play during Christmas time. We would wrap a gift over and over with multiple layers of wrapping paper. Then we would take two dice and each take turns rolling. If you rolled a double, you got to start unwrapping the present. The others would continue to roll trying to get doubles, because when they did they would get a turn to start unwrapping the present.

free spelling game

I thought I could adapt this into a fun spelling game. I would make a template for it and share it with other teachers for free!


Free Spelling Game


The concept of this free spelling game works great for spelling practice. I have a worksheet that lists out our weekly spelling words. Then I get students into small groups. I have found that groups of 3 work best. Each student gets a worksheet and each group gets a dice and a pencil.

Students take turns rolling the dice and trying to roll either a 6 or a 1. When they do roll a 6 or a 1 they get to take the pencil and start writing their spelling words. As they do this, the other players are taking turns back and forth trying to roll a 6 or a 1. When they do, they get to take the pencil and start writing the words. Then the others continue rolling and this continues until time is up or until a student fills in a whole worksheet of spelling words.

fun free spelling games

My students think this game is so much fun. We actually play it once a week right before our spelling test as a way for students to get a good review of the words.

Find this free spelling game here.

One tip I have for this game is to put the dice in a container. That way when students are rolling, the dice is not flying all over the classroom.

Now let’s look at some of the other spelling activities that my 2nd graders love.


Fun Free Spelling Games


I actually use these activities as morning work in my classroom. I call it morning bins because I keep the supplies in bins. I have groups of desks in my classroom, so bins and activities rotate through the groups each day.

Best thing about these spelling practice activities is that you don’t have to make any copies.

I write out week’s spelling words up on our write board and then students use the activities in the bins to practice writing them out. Let me give you some examples.

free spelling games for 2nd graders


Playdough and Toothpicks

For this activity, students flatten out a piece of playdough and then take a toothpick and write out the words. For students to get extra practice, I have them “make the word,” say the word out loud, and then write the word on a piece of paper. I just cut up regular copy paper into fourths and include those in the bins. This helps me keep students accountable. Students show me their paper at the end of our morning bins time. It helps students work hard during this time.


Bead Letters

In the morning bin, students find craft containers with beads with letters on them. They will also find a pipe cleaner. Students use the letter beads to make their spelling words on the pipe cleaners. Again, after students make the word, they say the word out loud, and then write the word on the paper. 


Magic Words

Students love this one. They write the words on their paper with a white crayon, then they take a maker and color over it and the word magically appears.


Word Search

Okay, so this one you do have to make copies, but I only have to do it once a week so it’s really not that much prep for morning work for the whole week. In the word search, I hide the words three times each. Then students search for the words. They have to find each word 3 times. It keeps students busy and they think it’s really fun. Find this editable word search here.

Read more about the other morning bin word work ideas that students love here in this blog post: Ideas for Morning Work for Primary Grades


I hope this blog post has given you some ideas on how you can make spelling practice more fun in your classroom. Don’t forget to get your digital copy of this free spelling game here.


Looking for another free resource? I have a free workbook for 1st and 2nd grade teachers: 7 Steps to Ensure Math Fact Fluency

free spelling games for 1st graders

Download your free copy here.